"Another Round is a brand I've admired for a quite a while, and the overwhelming feeling I had visiting a few of their franchise stores in other cities, I knew Austin needed one immediately."
I'm Nick Barr, and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as the new owner of the Austin franchise of Another Round! As a passionate disc golfer and a dedicated member of the Austin community, I couldn't be more excited to bring Another Round to our vibrant city.
About Me
I’ve been deeply involved in the Austin disc golf scene for years and have always dreamed of creating a space where disc golfers of all levels can come together. With a background in creative media and consulting, I bring a unique blend of skills to this venture, and I am committed to making Another Round Austin a hub for our disc golf community.
I really appreciate all the love and support from local brands like Mint Discs, Loot Bags and Goose Productions and all the friends, family and players in Austin who've reached out. You're the best.
We'll be open soon! Be sure to sign-up for our email list to get all the latest news and updates on the shop.
If you or your company would like to work with us, please feel free to reach out at anotherroundaustin@gmail.com
Thanks again!
Another Round, Austin